Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies

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How Filangieri’s work underpinned Benjamin Franklin thought of the United States Constitution

“During the late 18th century a little-known philosopher and jurist, Gaetano Filangieri, was among the finest intellectuals of the Enlightenment and friend to Benjamin Frankly, who in his foundational work on the United States Constitution, related to and drew inspiration…

The Erosion of Democracy:Dangers of Extreme Political Ideology and Lobbyism in Contemporary Society

“Ideology Bias versus Economic and Scientific Pragmatism, Individuals and societies are made of Economic choices”

UK GILT yield curve at risk of sustained higher volatility

From a technical standpoint, the bond market reaction function to the Autumn Budget 2024 has been similar to the mini-budget 2022, indeed making the 10Y GILT yield increase to 4.54% above the 2022 of 4.32%, while the scale of change…

Keep Borrowing and eventually, Britain’s Debt Black Hole will become bigger

The nature of Black Holes in astrophysics and quantum mechanics is still a mystery and an area of intense research and observation globally, but the nature of these massive interstellar gravitational masses still represents an unsolved mystery to mankind. The…