Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies

Month: November 2024

Private Sector Social Contributions Shocks and lagged macro-economy effects

Shocks affecting disposable income of households, Three fiscal shocks crucially affect the disposable income of households. These shocks are associated with direct taxes paid by households, social contributions paid by households and social benefits received by households (i.e. social transfers…

Unmasking the Far-Right Fascism: How the European Union Covers Authoritarianism and Human Rights Abuses Across Europe

The European Union (EU), founded on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, has long been celebrated as a beacon of progress and unity. However, the resurgence of far-right extremism across its member states has exposed…

Consumerism and Commodification of Human Beings, what Gunther Anders taught us with his work “The Obsolescence of Mankind”

“Indem wir lernen, die Dinge zu benutzen und wegzuwerfen, lernen wir, Menschen ebenso zu behandeln.” “By learning to use and throw away things, we learn to treat people in the same way.” Günther Anders, a German-Austrian philosopher, is renowned for…

Research Shows Gamma Rays Burst Can Create Life’s Building Blocks From Simple Gases

Gamma radiation transforms methane into glycine and various other complex molecules. A research team reports in the journal Angewandte Chemie that gamma radiation can transform methane into a diverse range of products at room temperature, including hydrocarbons, oxygenated molecules, and amino acids. This…