Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies


Estimating volatility of Inflation metrics, implementing MSE volatility, ARCH GARCH HS comparison

Study of Inflation metrics volatility has been started with estimating the 3/6/9/12 months volatility extracted form Mean Squared Error in Core CPI in a range 0.2% 0.4%. Measure of volatility in Core CPI, that should be useful to determined the…

What do we do with a drunken sailor?

On this chart, UK Inflation Expectations stand at 6.1% On this chart, UK Inflation Expectations have risen to 5.6% in February, as CPI Inflation increased to 10.4%. Important to notice in the chart, that Inflation Expectations are at the highest…


The big idea coming from the UK Exchequer Spring Budget, it’s a rough measure of Capex that won’t produce what’s hoped, but rather accounting tricks to inflate capex expenditure so as to evade the raise in Corporate Tax. The measure…