Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies

Month: October 2023

“Make me a hinge”. Produce in the most efficient way, in the shortest time, with essential utilization of material.

It’s perhaps shocking to write but fulfilling to admit in inspiration and with an urge of human conscience, the modern model of production and modus operandi of the ultrarational form of thought, contemporary of our time characterized by Teknè and…

On Capitalism and Totalitarian thought

We live in a society of waste and consumerism, but no one has the courage to admit it, because the immediate gratification of every habit and vice makes the human being apathetic and alienated only in producing and consuming, but…

On being and existence, according to Karl Jaspers

The existence of being, for Karl Jaspers, is a checkmate of the being and a shipwreck in the impossibility of choice. Any human being and any living being doesn’t decide to come into the world but rather is catapulted into…