Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies


Econometrics forecast research about USA macroeconomic timeseries

In the quest for clues about how the global economy could perform in the coming quarters, additional econometrics research has been applied to some of the major macroeconomic United States variables. In this instance macroeconomic variables examined have been: Bank…

Sweden Q1 -1.1% economic growth figures confirm recession for four quarters in a row

Latest Swedish GDP figures confirm a recessionary trend that has been accelerating in momentum, with a -1.1% Q1 economic growth decrease year on year and -0.1% flat negative Quarter on Quarter, economic contraction of the Swedish economy could be a…

Estimating volatility of Inflation metrics, implementing MSE volatility, ARCH GARCH HS comparison

Study of Inflation metrics volatility has been started with estimating the 3/6/9/12 months volatility extracted form Mean Squared Error in Core CPI in a range 0.2% 0.4%. Measure of volatility in Core CPI, that should be useful to determined the…