Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies

Consumerism and Commodification of Human Beings, what Gunther Anders taught us with his work “The Obsolescence of Mankind”

“Indem wir lernen, die Dinge zu benutzen und wegzuwerfen, lernen wir, Menschen ebenso zu behandeln.” “By learning to use and throw away things, we learn to treat people in the same way.” Günther Anders, a German-Austrian philosopher, is renowned for…

Capitalism as an economic and social science can’t be imposed as a dogma. Humanity has to achieve better than consumerism

When we observe the Universe, becomes evident the insignificant meaning of planet Earth in the Milky Way, and the insignificant meaning of the Milky Way compared to other galaxies and the expansion of the Universe. Well, on the 22nd of…

From Communism to Consumerism. Massification and commodification of mankind

“Capitalism has survived communism. Now, it eats away at itself.” Charles Bukowski Humanity has been forced to live in a society of waste and consumerism, but no one has the courage to admit it, because the immediate gratification of every…