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Research Shows Gamma Rays Burst Can Create Life’s Building Blocks From Simple Gases

Gamma radiation transforms methane into glycine and various other complex molecules.

A research team reports in the journal Angewandte Chemie that gamma radiation can transform methane into a diverse range of products at room temperature, including hydrocarbons, oxygenated molecules, and amino acids. This reaction likely plays a significant role in the formation of complex organic molecules in the universe—and may even contribute to the origins of life. Additionally, it presents new opportunities for industrially converting methane into high-value products under mild conditions.

the research should consider the effects of intense gravitational forces in conjunction with gamma radiation and methane introducing a fascinating intersection of astrophysical and chemical processes. This scenario could be modelled after conditions found in dense astrophysical environments, such as near the surfaces of neutron stars, in the atmospheres of gas giants, or around black holes’ accretion disks. Here’s how the study could be expanded:

Intense Gravity on Gamma-Ray-Induced Reactions

Under intense gravitational forces:

Pressure and Density: High gravity significantly increases the pressure and density of the medium, possibly altering reaction kinetics and pathways. Methane could exist in supercritical states, enabling unique reactions not observed at standard conditions. Gravity-induced density could prolong the lifetimes of reactive species such as ∙O2− and ∙OH radicals, increasing the likelihood of complex molecule formation. Compression Effects on Molecules: Methane and intermediates could adopt high-energy configurations, making them more reactive under gamma radiation.

Formation of Organic Matter Under Gravitational Compression

In high-gravity environments: Polymers and Macromolecules: Increased intermolecular interactions under compression may favour the assembly of polymers, potentially leading to the formation of rudimentary organic matter such as polyhydrocarbons or prebiotic polymers. Acceleration of Amino Acid Synthesis: Glycine and other amino acids might form more efficiently, as gravitational effects could stabilize intermediates and facilitate multi-step reaction pathways.

Simulation of Gravitational Effects

High gravity environment can be reproduced, Using centrifugal forces in high-speed rotors or diamond anvil cells to replicate high-pressure conditions, while utilising computational modelling to simulate methane’s behaviour under gamma rays and intense gravitational compression could empirically bring new discoveries on gamma rays and GRBs functions in space.

Relevance to Astrochemical Environments

This expansion can model conditions near Gas Giants: Methane-rich atmospheres subjected to high gravity and radiation (e.g., Jupiter’s magnetosphere). Accretion Disks: Around black holes or neutron stars, where intense radiation and gravity coexist, promoting unique chemistry. Protostellar Clouds: Regions where gravitational collapse forms dense, methane-rich regions irradiated by cosmic rays.

Potential Outcomes and Implications for Complex Organic Molecule Formation:

Discovery of novel organic molecules or intermediates stable only under combined gravitational and radiative conditions. Insight into the assembly of precursors to life in extreme cosmic environments. Understanding Prebiotic Chemistry: Potential pathways for abiogenesis in exotic astrophysical conditions, expanding our knowledge of where life might arise in the universe. Industrial Applications: High-pressure, gamma-assisted methane transformations could inspire new technologies for carbon capture and utilization on Earth.

    READ MORE: Research Shows Gamma Rays Burst Can Create Life’s Building Blocks From Simple Gases