Federal Fund Effective Rate Comparative (ATSM) Analysis of Interest Rate Forecast

CIR interest rate forecast model
Cox Ingersoll Ross model to forecast interest rate variables in simple terms defines an Effective Federal Fund rate equilibrium of 4.45%, but with a forecast of a higher long-run Federal Fund Rate of 6.84% that could imply a slight possibility of further Federal Reserve hikes of Federal Fund rate. The interesting data becomes the equilibrium interest rate of 4.45% higher than the presumed R* of 2.0% | 2.5% range. Indeed, the statistical inference with a p-value close to 0% indicates statistical significance, considering a basic interest rate forecast elaboration.

Another Interest rate forecast model of long-run equilibrium and interest rate volatility has been elaborated by applying the Vasicek model, which also results in statistical significance with p-values at 0%. The equilibrium interest rate result is almost similar at EFFR 4.56%, with a 30-day time horizon forecast of 5.2%, basically unchanged from current levels, however, the long-run Federal Fund Rate forecast results in a much higher EFFR of 8.15%. Both interest rate volatility models hint at the possibility of a higher Federal Fund Rate that could occur on the basis of Inflationary shocks, based on large energy supply and prices shock, with the de-anchoring of inflation expectations.