Capital Market Journal

Capital Markets are the cornerstone foundation of economies

Month: November 2024

Global car industry recession will also strike EVs producers as Tesla

The wider global car industry slow-down and manufacturing recession will inevitably impact also Tesla’s revenues in the main business of car sales and leasing, considering its very high stock price valuation and stock financial ratios, these need to be a…

Tokamak: the Holy Grail of Energy

Nuclear fusion, the process that powers the Sun, has long been considered the “holy grail” of energy production due to its potential to provide a virtually limitless, clean, and safe source of power. The Tokamak, a type of magnetic confinement…

How Filangieri’s work underpinned Benjamin Franklin thought of the United States Constitution

“During the late 18th century a little-known philosopher and jurist, Gaetano Filangieri, was among the finest intellectuals of the Enlightenment and friend to Benjamin Frankly, who in his foundational work on the United States Constitution, related to and drew inspiration…

The Erosion of Democracy:Dangers of Extreme Political Ideology and Lobbyism in Contemporary Society

“Ideology Bias versus Economic and Scientific Pragmatism, Individuals and societies are made of Economic choices”