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Deppenapostroph Uncategorized

“Deppenapostroph”, Anglicism in commercial Deutsche, and what already said Heidegger in 1957 about language

Anglicisation of languages has become a diffused and interesting phenomenon across the global economy, that in some ways already has its idiosyncracies, in fact, while native English-speaking countries have seen British English linguistically contaminated for decades, with Broken English dialects and various Commonwealth countries’ accents, then classic anglicism grammar rules, as in the case of the “Deppenapostroph”, the so wondered anglicism genitive grammar structure, travels back to its Saxon roots, under the guise of shops storefront design, as ordinary Germans followed on Churchill’s grand idea of English as a global language to communicate and have business, so it goes as “Mary’s BratWurst” and “Rosi’s Bar Doner Kebabs” bars and night eateries become anglicised shops storefronts on the streets of Berlin and cosmopolitan German cities. Ist das, necessary in order to lure hungry munchies Germans to their next TakeAway Doner Kebab, in a sense, the epitome of globalisation and cultural mixing, a traditional Turkish meal imported in Berlin in the 1970s, at first, that has become the staple of the ordinary Germans, now gets a new shiny label with a touch of Anglicism so that Zoe’s Kebab shop down the Alexander Platz becomes more comprehensible and neutral to the next customer as if, food wasn’t a natural language already, and when food is good, well anybody eats it away with the eyes at first, so the very good food lives without labels, but only in its natural taste and beauty satisfying at the eyes, at first.


Some would shout from the fringes ” Das Deppenapostroph Muss Weg”, but it’s not having chauvinistic rage at a grammar language structure, that we find answers, rather, as Martin Heidegger tried to explain already in 1957, we should reflect more on “What is Worthy of Question”, as often human beings character falls into asking superfluous unworthy questions in order to receive the answers human beings want to hear. As Heidegger tried to explain, already in 1957, language seemed to change rapidly, something that we naturally assume for societal customs in the day-to-day flow of communication, but often too often, these changes in the language happen in silence, as something that can’t be reversed and often in its superficial structure. This has been a longstanding phenomenon in the modern British English-Broken English linguistic contamination from Commonwealth countries and frankly due to English language commercialisation, that has brought a barbarization of English language grammar structures with phonetic monstrosities, that even a non-native English speaker nowadays, would struggle to understand and find linguistical sense; as your neighbour and the kids’ school friends have rapidly become an analphabetism broth, a melting pot alphabet soup.

At this point, shall we ask, if the Saxon-Bavarian Goethe Deutsche Sprache has been silently beginning to break in its rigid and hard-to-learn grammar structures, for the Anglian commercialisation contamination, because whenever anything is hard to learn and not easy to be used, well this becomes ostracized by the poorly educated social media, TikTok, nerd generations that live in a world of images, making their brains completely exonerated from the vital cognitive function of reading an alphabetical sequence of letters in order for their brain to reproduce an image of the word they have read. And the TikTok brat new millennia generations don’t have the slightest idea and perception of how the new millennia coined word Nerd, has evolved and travelled in centuries from Celtic and Welsh Ner-th with similar roots of ancient Greek ἀνήρ” (anēr) “ανδρος” Andros, that means, Man, human being, and how strangely (anēr) derives from the Aramaic word “אֲנָשׁ” (anash) also means “man” or “human”, and Aramaic was a Semitic Indo-European Language.

All of this completely disappears at the tune of fast social media TikTok images, likes, followers, commodification of mankind, and with these not-so-silent fast-consuming social media millennia TitkTok generations, language grammar structures are in peril of disappearing, and I’d rather argue in enormous danger of decaying and corrupt in the forms of Broken Languages where we could be getting to the regressive stage of tribalization of European societies so that tribes in one borough are not able to communicate with tribes of another neighbourhood in town. Maybe this has already been happening, and societal instability, lack of assimilation and widespread crimes are direct consequences of the emergence of Broken English and Broken German and Broken French, and it isn’t very difficult to wonder, when education and school don’t work large segments of society continue in the path of tribalisation rather than being educated to the language grammar structures, rules and logic that convey and allow communication and dialogue to develop; indeed, simply because anybody is able to give expression to thoughts and feelings only in proportion to the depth of vocabulary and words knowledge, as Heidegger well explained, when “there isn’t the word, there isn’t the thought” and more eloquently “Die Sprache ist das Haus des Seins”. Grammar structures are the foundation rules that shape human beings, Chomsky argued that anybody has inherent grammar structures since birth, that can be developed to produce what Martin Heidegger earlier defined as deeper language, another kind of language that Goethe identified with poetry.

Indeed, the arguments are wider and deeper, as structuralism presupposes, that societies do bind together through codified language structures and social structures that can be defined through codified traditions and social norms, these structures have been observed and researched with Levi’ Strauss and Malynovski studies of tribes’ social structures developed through codified rules, Totems and Tabu’. These theories and explanations on the nature of societies and their inherent structures have always been demonized as Marxist rubbish, only proving how the commodification and destructuring of societies have reduced everything to a catalogue label. Many would completely ignore Martin Heidegger wasn’t a structuralist and definitively not a Marxist at all, neither Claude Levi’-Strauss nor Bronislav Malinowski while instead the most important philosophers, anthropologists and linguists that have nothing to do with Marxism, demonstrated through the study of tribe structures and linguistic structures how these have a footprint in developed countries, arguably before globalisation and flattening of social and consumerist customs have pervaded the juxtaposed “global economy”.

It has become evident, in particular, from the past two decades that Broken English and Broken French, have become a de-structuring force of codified language structures and rules, and with that affecting societal structures and norms, where a process of fragmentation through sectarian lines has become evident and proceeds in silence, rapidly.

Hence, in the name of the commercialisation of societal costumes, the flattening of communication to a neutral language, and the commodification of mankind, everything will proceed in the breaking apart of languages and societies, at the guise of religious consumerist “Divide et Impera”, of the amorphous consumer prone to the next fast consumerism takeaway in neutral language “Zoe’s BratWurst & CurryWurst”, no question asked.

“im gegenwärtigen zeitalter bringt sich zufolge der hass und gewöhnlichkeit des alltäglichen regens und schreibens ein anderes verhältnis zur sprache immer entschieden in die vorherrschaft wirken nämlich auch die sprache sei nur die alles tägliche sonst womit wir umgehen ein instrument und zwar das instrument der verständigung und der information diese vorstellung von der sprache ist uns so geläufig dass wir ihre unheimliche macht kaum mehr die vorstellung von der sprache als eines instruments der information drängt heute in es um das verhältnis des menschen zur sprache ist in einer wandlung begriffen deren tragweite wie noch nicht ermessen der verlauf dieser wandlung lässt sich auch nicht unmittelbar auf halten er geht überdies in der größten stille vor sich zwar müssen wir zugeben dass die sprache im alltag wie ein mittel der verständigung erscheint und als dieses mittel für die gewöhnlichen verhältnisse des lebens benutzt wird allein es gibt noch andere verhältnisse als die gewöhnlichen goethe nennt diese anderen verhältnisse die tiefe und sagt von der sprache im gemeinen leben kommen wir mit der sprache notdürftig aus weil wir nur oberflächliche verhältnisse bezeichnung sobald von tieferen verhältnissen die rede ist tritt zugleich eine andere sprache die poetischen was ist es denn was auch wir und erst recht wir heute eines in ständigen fragen schuldigen müssen es ist jenes fragwürdige sich inzwischen ins unermessliche und undurchschaubare gesteigert und unser zeitalter ford reist wir wissen nicht wohin es ist jedes rad würdige wofür wir heute noch nicht einmal den rechten namen kennen dass sich die technisch beherrschbar die natur der wissenschaft und die natürliche natur des gewohnten gleichfalls geschichtlich bestimmten wohnens des menschen wie zwei fremde bezirke gegeneinander absetzen und mit einer ständigen beschleunigung immer weiter voneinander weg rasen
es ist jenes fragwürdige dass die beherrschbar die natur
als die vermeintlich wahre welt alles sinnen und trachten des menschen an sich reißt und das menschliche vorstellen zu einem bloß rechnenden denken verändert und verhaltet es ist jenes fragwürdige dass die natürliche natur in das nichtige eines fantasiegebilde serap sinkt und nicht einmal mehr die dichter anspricht es ist jenes fragwürdige dass die dichtung selbst keine maßgebende gestalt der wahrheit mehr zu sein vermag”

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